How do I create a waterfall release using the Venice platform?
A waterfall release is a music distribution approach that involves releasing multiple versions of a song or a series of previously releases and unreleased songs in stages leading up to a full project release. This typically includes releasing a standalone single, followed by a two-track “single” (including the previously released single), then a three-track “single”, and so forth. Each iteration of the release has one additional song added to it with all the previously released versions included as well.
To create a waterfall release using the Venice platform, lets assume you have 3 singles and you would like to execute a waterfall release strategy. Please use the following steps:
First Release (1 track)
Create a new audio release
Follow the prompts and click “add new track” to add ingest your first single
Click save and complete the remaining prompts then click “Submit for Distribution”
Second Release (2 tracks)
Create a new release
Follow the prompts and click “add new track” to add the second single, then click save
Click “add existing track” and paste the ISRC for the first single that was previously released or search for the track name and add that song to your release as track #2 of the waterfall release
Complete the remaining prompts then click “Submit for Distribution”
Third Release (3 tracks)
Create a new release
Follow the prompts and click “add new track” to add the third single, then click save
Click “add existing track” and paste the ISRC for the first single that was previously released or search for the track name and add that song to your release track #2 of the new waterfall release
Click “add existing track” and paste the ISRC for the second single that was previously released in the first waterfall release or search for the track name and add that song as track #3 of the waterfall release
Complete the remaining prompts then click “Submit for Distribution”
You can continue this process to add as many existing tracks to new releases as you would like. You may also issue a takedown on the previous versions of a release once the newest waterfall is live on streaming platforms to avoid clutter or confusion between the release versions on streaming platform.