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I need to submit/edit lyrics

You can enter and edit lyrics directly in Venice on the 'Enter Track Details' section on the Tracklist page in the Create Release flow.

Depending upon the music platform, lyrics may be sourced and managed by a 3rd party platform outside of Venice and therefore artists must access the 3rd party platform directly to submit or edit lyrics.

MusixMatch: Lyrics on Spotify, Instagram, Tidal and Amazon Music are sourced from MusixMatch. MusixMatch also generates and publishes timed/synchronized lyrics on music platforms. Musixmatch is a community based lyric submission platform where fans can contribute lyrics that are displayed on multiple DSPs. To gain control of lyrics on MusixMatch, the artist must claim their artist profile and become a verified artist.

Genius: Lyrics on Apple Music may also be sourced from Genius. Genius is a community based lyric submission platform where fans can contribute lyrics that are displayed on Apple Music. To gain control on Genius, the artist must claim their artist profile and become a verified artist.

Please be aware that lyric updates from 3rd parties may require approval from moderators and can take several day to approve and appear on stores.

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