How do I set up my Venice payment account?
To be paid, the following is required:
A Stripe account is connected to your Venice account.
Label Owners/Label Admins: Log into Venice and go to Settings > Label Profile > Label Banking Info, and select Complete Stripe Onboarding.
Payees: Log into Venice and go to Settings > My Profile, and select Complete Stripe Onboarding.
This will prompt you to connect a Stripe account, enter your business or individual tax information, and banking account information. You will see ‘Stripe Account Connected’ once Stripe has been successfully linked and your tax and banking information has been entered.
Enter Split % for each release (Label owners only). Each release must have splits entered to be paid out to the label and each payee on a track. All splits must add up to 100% in order for royalties to be disbursed. If you are a Payee on a track and you have not yet received payment, please reach out to the Label group who has added you to Venice to ensure they have entered your split % so you may be paid.
Venice pays out all labels and payees the royalties received from the DSPs in that pay period. Music platforms have various payment cycles, often times 30-60 days after a release goes live so it is normal to see a delay in payment.