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My release is not mapped to my Amazon Music profile, or someone else's release is mapped to my Amazon Music profile

These request must be submitted self-service via the Amazon Music for Artists app. Instructions below:

If you’re online:

  1. Go to

  2. Click Get Started

  3. Sign into your Amazon account (Tip: If you have multiple Amazon accounts, use the account you used to claim your artist profile; if not yet claimed, use the account profile you prefer to associate with your artist profile)

  4. Once signed in, input this URL into your web browser:

If you’re using the mobile app (available in your app store):

  1. Sign into your Amazon account (Tip: If you have multiple Amazon accounts, use the account you used to claim your artist profile; if not yet claimed, use the account profile you prefer to associate with your artist profile)

  2. Click on the Settings icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen

  3. Click Report Issue

  4. Complete the form and click submit

Please allow up to 4 weeks for changes to reflect on Amazon Music.

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