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Pre-Save / Marketing Links

How do I create a pre-save link?

After you have distributed a release through Venice, you will find it on the marketing page available for pre-save link creation. Visit the marketing page, click "create link", choose a track or release, and that's it!

How do I change the pre-save link URL?

You cannot change the URL. We utilize the title of the track as your URL, which is a common best practice across the industry.

How do I change the release date on a pre-save link?

When you update your release date through Venice, your pre-save link is automatically updated with the new release date. No action needed from you!

How do I change the artwork on a pre-save link?

You cannot change the art work. The pre-save link will automatically utilize the artwork from your release, a best practice across the industry.

How do I delete a pre-save link?

On the Marketing page, in the Marketing Links section, you will see a list of links you have created. Click the 3-dot menu and select delete.

How can I view pre-save or pre-add analytics?

We unfortunately do not offer this for the time being but will be looking to add in the future.

How do I see the statistics for how my marketing links are performing?

We do not currently offer analytics for how members marketing links are performing. This is something we want to add and are exploring it for future implementation.

How can I get Venice marketing support for my release?

While Venice doesn't offer dedicated marketing support for a release, Professional Members can visit our office hours, Q&A sessions, and listening sessions to have your questions answered and to learn from our Artist Services team.

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