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What content can I distribute?

All Venice users are expected to adhere to the Venice Distribution Agreement and follow the following content distribution guidelines.

Repeated submission of unauthorized or ineligible content that does not adhere to the Venice Distribution Agreement and the guidelines shared blow may result in platform suspension, content removal and potential subscription termination.

Sound recordings that do not adhere to Venice Distribution Agreement and the guidelines mentioned below may be removed from music platforms entirely and/or prevented from matching user generated content (i.e. Content ID) without notice.

Streaming platforms (Spotify, iTunes / Apple Music, TIDAL, etc.)

Content Types

Streaming Platforms and Music Stores

Video Monetization (i.e., YouTube Content ID)

Video Platforms

Original composition and sound recording




Cover songs

Yes, only if your content meets the following criteria:

  • All lyrics and instruments in the cover sound recording are ‘re-recorded’ by the artist and not sample from another master sound recording

  • All lyrics and melody in the cover sound recording do not drastically deviate from the original master sound recording

  • All appropriate cover licensing agreements are secured prior to submission for distribution

  • Original composers are properly credited in release metadata

  • New ISRC is assigned, no use of previously generated ISRC associated with a different sound recording


Yes, as long as you have secure the rights to distribute and monetize the cover song video prior to submission for distribution

Derivative works (i.e. tracks containing pre existing sound recordings to make a new composition including sped up, slowed, pitched up/down, reverb, bass-boosted or any other types are considered Derivative Works according to US Copyright Law)

Yes, only if your content meets the following criteria:

  • Legal binding master use licensing is secured from master sound recording rights holder(s) ready to share with Venice legal for review prior to distribution

  • Appropriate artist/label clearance to use derivative work ready to share with Venice legal for review prior to distribution

  • New ISRC is assigned, no use of previously generated ISRC associated with a different sound recording

Yes, only if your content meets the following criteria:

  • Legal binding master use licensing is secured from master sound recording rights holder(s) ready to share with Venice legal for review prior to distribution

  • Appropriate artist/label clearance to use derivative work ready to share with Venice legal for review prior to distribution

Yes, only if your content meets the following criteria:

  • Legal binding master use licensing is secured from master sound recording rights holder(s) ready to share with Venice legal for review prior to distribution

  • Appropriate artist/label clearance to use derivative work ready to share with Venice legal for review prior to distribution

Tracks using licensed beats or royalty-free production libraries


No, Sound recordings that do not meet these criteria may be removed from music platforms entirely and/or prevented from matching user generated content (i.e. Content ID) without notice.


Tracks composed using generative artificial intelligence




Soundalike songs (re-records that sounds almost indifferentiable from the original sound recording)




Mash ups or DJ mixes

Yes, only if your content meets the following criteria:

  • Legal binding master use licensing is secured from master sound recording rights holder(s) ready to share with Venice legal for review prior to distribution



Lyric videos, audio visualizers, art track /still image videos




No behind-the-scenes, promotional videos, teasers, trailers, interviews, or song/album commentaries 




Social media platforms (YouTube Content ID, TikTok, Instagram, etc.)
  • Public domain content or audio files that contain public domain content.

  • Content that contains very generic and common sounds. Examples include audience applause, white noise, simple drum loops, animal noises, cell phone rings, laughter, spoken word, TV/Movie dialogue, and talking that is not accompanied by music.

  • Content that contains non-exclusive beats or sounds. For example, songs that contain drum loops or samples that are contained in sample packs.

  • Content that contains multiple recordings within it. For example DJ mixes, full albums, and compilations.

  • Content that you licensed from another party on a non-exclusive basis. For example, content that was licensed for soundtracks or compilations, or that you licensed from a production music catalog.

  • "Soundalikes" or karaoke versions of songs.

  • Classical music, especially public domain works.

  • Live versions of songs that sound very similar to the recorded version of that same song.

  • Derivative versions of recordings owned by other parties. For example, remixes of songs for which you do not own the original version of or have not licensed the rights for the remix from the original rightsholder.

  • Re-recorded masters, re-mastered tracks, or remixed tracks of songs where you do not own the original recording.

  • Any audio where you do not control the right to claim UGC videos that use 100% of the delivered audio.

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