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Artificial Streaming Penalty Fee FAQ

On April 1, 2024, Spotify introduced a new policy to address artificial streaming that is occurring on the platform. This involves identifying and charging a fee to labels and distribution services when there are artificial streams identified on their content.

You can read more about Spotify’s new policy here

Additionally, artificial streaming is a violation of Venice Music’s Terms of Service and you will be charged for any fees Venice incurs for artificial streams associated with your content. These fees will be charged directly to the payment method you used to sign up for your Venice Membership. Furthermore, your content may be removed from all streaming platforms.

You will receive a notification from our team if there are artificial streams found on your content, if you have incurred a penalty fee, or if your content is being taken down as a result of streaming fraud.

Please refer to our Artificial Streaming FAQ for more information and ways to protect your music from artificial streams.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to

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