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I'm ready to create a release.

Ready to share your music with the world? We’re here to help.

To start, click “+ Create Release” in the Distribution portal.

We’ve broken down the release submission process into 3 phases. Scroll through the dropdowns below to help you complete each phase with the required information. We’ve also included pro tips from the Venice Team so you can learn how to optimize your releases for success!

Phase 1 (Setup Release):

Name Your Release:

  • Input Release Title & Version Title

    • Normal studio albums do not need add version title

    • Version Titles can include live, clean, acoustic, etc.

Release Details:

DSPs use your metadata to properly catalog your music! Take your time filling this section out:

  • Input Display Artist Name

  • Input Label Name (P Line)

    • Note: The Label Name is what will be included on the P line on platforms. The purpose of this symbol is to indicate that legal rights are held for a sound recording and to identify the owner of those rights.

  • Input Copyright Year

  • Select a Genre

    • If the desired genre is not listed, select the genre that most closely reflects the mood and feel of the album or track.

  • Select a Language

    • If there are multiple languages represented on the album or track, choose the language that is used most on the album or track.

  • If ingesting a new release product that has never been released before, leave the “Enter your own UPC” and “Re-Release” boxes unchecked. Venice will auto-generate a UPC once you submit for distribution.

  • If your release is a compilation with many different primary artists, please check the compilation box. If not, please leave this box blank.

  • Support Tip: Utilize this option only if you are releasing a label compilation or official soundtrack album.

Release Artists:

  1. Click the dropdown & select “Add New Artist”

    • If you have artist pages already setup at Apple Music, Spotify or SoundCloud, please input your Apple ID, Spotify URI & SoundCloud permalink:

      • To find your Apple ID pull up Apple Music on a web browser and search for the artist name. The Artist’s Apple ID is the set of numbers at the end (example below). Paste the set of numbers ONLY in Venice, not the full URL.

  1. To find your Spotify URI login to Spotify on the desktop/laptop app & click the three dots > hold down option button on keyboard > hover over share > click copy link to artist. Paste the full URI in Venice. 

  • Example = spotify:artist:5D4BRlhrtHssotkW1rK0T3

  1. To find your SoundCloud ID pull up your SoundCloud profile on a web browser and select the name at the end of the URL. Paste the name ONLY in Venice.

  1. Adding a new artist only needs to be done one time. Once you have added this info that artist will be available to choose again for future releases without repeating these steps.

  2. Repeat steps steps 1-4 for any additional primary or featuring artists that you need to add to your release.

  • If an artist needs a new artist page setup, check the “No Existing ID’s, Create One For Me” option. New artist profiles will be generated on your behalf after the release is successfully submitted for distribution.

  • Additional information on setting up Artist Profiles in Venice may be found on the Venice Distribution FAQ page

Phase 2 (Upload):

Cover Art:

  • Upload Cover Art (static, non-moving art files only)

  • Venice Team Tip: If you’re missing your cover art, try using a free graphic design tool like Canva to create cover art that aligns with your and your music’s brand!


  • Click “Add New Track/Video”

    • Add content file (.wav, .mp3, .mp4 or .mov are supported)

    • If you’re distributing a new song or album, leave the “Enter your own ISRC” boxes unchecked

    • Input the Track Title & Version title to match the Release Title & Version Title

    • Select artist(s) to match what was added at release level in Phase One

    • Input the composer & lyricist of the song

      • Add any additional contributors that are relevant to the release

      • **Composer does not take the place of producer credits, if you’d like a producer to populate in the credits please add them here

      • For instrumental tracks with no lyrics, add an artist name ‘N/A’ and add them as the track lyricist

    • Select Genre to match what you input on release level or if there are multiple tracks select the appropriate genre

    • Mark “Explicit” or “Non-Explicit”. Only use the Clean option if the song is a clean/edited version of an explicit song

    • Select Language

      • If there are multiple languages represented on the album or track, chose the language that is used most on the album or track

    • Input Lyrics (Optional)

    • Once all content and metadata is successfully entered, select “Save”

    • If ingesting a waterfall single, EP, or album, click “Add New Track” again to add additional tracks

    • If you would like to add a song that was already released through Venice as a single to a waterfall, EP or album, click “Add Existing Track” and search for the song via name or ISRC

    • Once you have added all tracks to your release, arrange the track order to your desired sequence using the up and down arrows above and below the track numbers

    • Note: Once the release is submitted and delivered to music platforms, the track order can not be changed so be sure the track order is finalized before submission

Phase 3 (Delivery Details):

Release Date:

  • Select Release Date

    • Scheduling a release within 48 hours of the release date can not be guaranteed, choose the release date at your own discretion

    • Pro Tip: We recommend scheduling releases at least two weeks out to give yourself time to execute release promotion, and pitching campaigns, and sharing your Venice pre-save link

  • Select Standard Release Time or Timed Release 

    • Standard Release Time is the industry standard and what most labels utilize. It signifies that the release will be out at midnight (locally) in every territory selected for distribution as that time is reached.

    • Timed Release is rarely used and is for press premieres or other exclusive opportunities that are tied to a specific time of day. It sets a release to be out at a specific time based on the Eastern Time zone. There are pros and cons to utilizing timed release so choose at your own discretion.

Delivery Platforms and Territories:

  • Select Platforms you’d like the release to be delivered to

    • TikTok submissions will be subject to

    • Pro Tip: If you have a specific time stamp you wish to be made available on TikTok - we recommend utilizing the Venice Clips create release feature, and opt-out of choosing TikTok in the current workflow. If you do not have a preferred time stamp you would like to make available on platform, select TikTok as a delivery platform and TikTok will utilize artificial intelligence to select the most optimal 60 second clip from your sound recording to be made available on the platform.

    • Support Tip: If you wish to remove a delivered release from a music platform, use the Takedown function on the release summary page. Unchecking the platform in this section will not remove a release from a music platform.

  • Select the Territories you’d like the release sent to

Release Price Tier for Downloads:

  • Select the desired pricing for purchase of a track or album on platforms such as iTunes & Amazon Music Store. It us up to the discretion of the platform of how LPs may be priced that are over a specific amount of tracks.


  • Select Yes or No to pre-order 

    • If Yes, select the pre-order date

      • If there is more than one song on the release, select which songs you’d like to offer as Instant Grat upon purchase 

      • Instant Grats are songs that fans will receive instantly upon purchasing a pre-order. Only select instant grats for songs that are already released as singles or that you plan to release on a specific date as singles prior to album release.

      • You may only select up to 50% of the album as Instant Grat

      • If you do not wish to offer any songs as Instant Grat in advance of the global release, select at least one song and select the matching global release date

    • If No, continue on with “next” button

  • Push “Submit for Distribution”

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